[Syn8] I’ll try my best in the other world for the sake of mofmofu nadenade

Again, I have no context so accuracy isn’t guaranteed. I believe the MC is the little girl (since she appears on both vol covers) but idk.








I’ll try my best in the other world for the sake of mofmofu nadenade (petting and fluffing).



Various things happened, so I got an ability from the God-sama and reincarnated! While being watched over by my high spec family, super ordinary me fully enjoyed isekai life. A life of simply using the ability I got from God-sama, mofumofu-ing together with fantasy animals and nadenade. There’s also some suspicious movement, but while being abused by God-sama, I’ll do my best on various things with my cheat-like comrades!

※I’ve underestimated Papan~(From Chapter 26 onwards)There will be very much depiction of spiders. People who are poor with it, please have caution.

※Just in case I’ve increased the warnings of『cruelty depiction present』.

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10 thoughts on “[Syn8] I’ll try my best in the other world for the sake of mofmofu nadenade

    1. Oh, if you came from NU hoping for “I’m back in the other world?” Someone must’ve linked my page wrongly.

      It certainly wasn’t me.

      I just saw it on NU myself and was confused lol. Hope the mods take it down/fix it soon or something.


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